Sunday, 10 October 2010

Weekend Away

It seemed strange having a weekend away without a running event on Sunday. It definitely didn't seem like a proper thing to do. However, running still kept jumping into my head. We spent Friday and Saturday in the Nottingham/Derby area. I kept noticing sport shops and had to resist popping in to check out the shoes I couldn't quite afford at the moment. The radio said to avoid Leicester on Sunday morning as it was that city's marathon. As we drove from Nottingham to Derby on Saturday I had to comment that the road we were on was the route for the Kilomathon (26.2km) next March. I noticed gyms offering membership for £10 a month, and wished we had local sports centres which could match that. When we got home, I was worn out so decided to postpone my 5K run and rest instead. Running had been running through my mind all weekend long. I must find something else to think about.