Thursday, 7 October 2010

Team Lucozade Competition

Having not made it to London in the ballot, I've entered a competition to win a place in the Marathon, along with professional coaching, kit, Lucozade Sports Energy Packs, and entry into all Lucozade sponsored warm up races. I thought I'd give it a go. Closing date is November 1st, and I'm sure there'll be loads of entries, and my chance of winning low, but it's worth a go.

Here's my entry. It had to be less than 100 words, so was edited, mostly by removing the words "bloody" or "f**king" from in front of the word "bridge".

I injured my knee while training for London Marathon 2008. Despite this I ran on the big day. Big mistake! While crossing Tower Bridge, the knee went again. I continued with a pathetic half run/half hobble, finishing in just under 6 hours. Three ballot rejections later, I still yearn for another crack at London and that bridge. I swear at it every time I see it on TV. I hate it with a vengeance. I will not rest until I have crossed it. I don't expect to finish fast. I'd estimate around 5 hours. Please give me my second shot!

Marathon Runners View of that Bloody Bridge