Late again, but better late than never. Time to try to run the 2 miles in 20 minutes. It was a sunny, but very cold morning. As usual I set out too fast, but I quickly realised so slowed it down. Got to the slope at the half mile mark and let gravity pull me down it. My plan was to have quite a quick first mile, so I could ease off for the second one. However, I was quickly running out of power. After the slope I decided to try to maintain a 6mph pace. My hope was to keep this up for as long as possible and hope that my extra speed over the first three quarters of a mile would be enough to keep me around the 20 minute mark. I maintained that for a mile, but then my speed dropped again as I struggled on, pushing myself to the 2 mile mark. Did I do what I wanted?
Garmin reported 2.01 miles in 19 mins 33.69secs. Half a minute faster than I'd planned, averaging 6.2 mph (first mile averaged 6.4mph, 2nd mile 6.0). I'd actually gone faster than I'd planned. Now just got to see what I can do tomorrow when I try a fast run.