Sunday, 15 August 2010

Why I Stopped Running

Exactly a year ago was my the last run I took seriously. I didn't even take it that seriously. That was the Reepham Runners Summer Run 10K, or my Stag Run. After that wedding preparations took over. The a fortnight's honeymoon (all inclusive in Dominican Republic) Then life just sort of took over and somehow making time for a quick run became a chore. Running was put on the back burner.

In March came this year's Sport Reluef. I took part, I ewnjoyed it, but it doidn't bump start my training. I dedided to tak a year off marathons, so didn't enter one for April. In May I did a fun run over a cross country course used by horses in international horse trials. That wasn't fun. Since then nothing. I've done the occasional mile, but have been too damn lazy to get back into it properly. I bought a note book to use as a running diary. It sits by my bed with one entry in it. My Garmin watch sits by this very computer, it's display telling me it needs a new battery. Motivation and enthusiasm for running are very low.

This week I made a decison. From Monday, I will get back into exercise. Take it slowly at first. My knee is still aching from a pond-related injury. (Too much digging aggravated an old knee injury). Probably best to try the Wii fitness games first, and then if the knee handles that, Try a proper run next weekend.

So that's part one of the plan for the next week. With WiiFit, My Fitness Coach, EA Sports Active, Fitness First Pilates, and the new addition today of Your Shape, there should be something there to make a start.

This blog will replace the empty notebook. I will record everything I can about my attempts to become a better runner than I was before. Events, hopes, inspirations, will all be recorded here. Then I can look back, and see I can do it.

So today it was time to try out our new addition. Firstly, you set up the profile with name, height, wieght. Then the camera scans your body and produces a profile of how you look. Then it's off to exercise. It begins with a fitness test with lots of squats, star jumps, and presses designed to test upper body strength, lower cody strength, and cardio fitness. All the time you work out the camera films you, putting your image on the screen next to the virtual trainer.It's very off putting seeing your fat little figure struggle along at times next to your new animate friend.  Sometimes it was hard to keep up, but if you stop the trainer soon tells you to "Get Moving!". Just the 10 minutes test was knackering. Then I decided to add a quick 15 minute work out to that. God I wish I hadn't. By the end of it was totally and utterly knackered. I can see this could get someone fit. I just hope that with the variety of exercises I don't end up hurting myself trying to do too much.